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We Are Accepting New Patients

2024-Advantage-Program-Icons-CMYK-fullcolor-Gold-Plus (002)
Decades of Experience

The Santos Dentistry practice started in 1976 and has been in business for almost five decades. Dr. Aaron Santos has over 15 years of experience since taking over the practice from his father Anthony. The staff at Aaron Santos Dentistry constantly stays up to date with the most up-to-date education and the latest procedures.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Patients receive every dental service they need right here—no referrals. Our practice is outfitted with the latest and greatest technology and procedures. We are a truly modern dental practice.

Dedicated Patient Service

From beginning to end, we welcome patients and invite them to partake in developing their treatment plans. We are committed to formulating personalized solutions for each patient.

Safety and Accountability

Inspectors conduct routine and exhaustive evaluations of our staff, equipment, and cleanliness. We are measured against the strictest safety standards and guidelines and meet them seamlessly.

HEPA Air Purification System

The office of Aaron Santos DDS invested in a state-of-the-art long-life HEPA (High-efficiency Particulate Air) filter system. Our HEPA filter air purification system is built with effective and proven healthcare-grade components that clean air by eliminating 99.99% of potentially harmful contaminates.

Happy patient smiling after the results of teeth whitening treatment in Los Gatos, CA


14529 S Bascom Ave, Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA