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Restorative Dentistry Treatments

If you have one or more missing teeth or teeth that are severely damaged or decayed, you will need to replace them with dental prosthetics. Without prosthetics, you risk jawbone loss, deformity, problems with your bite, and trouble eating and speaking. You may also feel self-conscious about your smile and appearance. Aaron A Santos DDS specializes in restorative dentistry in Los Gatos, CA. Our dentists and staff can help you explore solutions for missing teeth and improve your smile, health, and confidence.

What Is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is a dental specialty that focuses on replacing or repairing missing and damaged teeth. Dental restorations can improve oral health and appearance and restore eating and speaking functions. Some restorative dentistry procedures offer functional and aesthetic improvements, and we may recommend combining restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry treatments to improve your smile and oral health.

Types of Restorative Dentistry Treatments

We offer several different types of restorative dentistry treatments. We will determine which treatments are right for you based on your oral health, condition, age, and lifestyle. We may recommend combining multiple treatment options for the best results:

Custom-Made Implant Dentures in Los Gatos by Aaron A Santos DDS
Implant Dentures

Traditional dentures replace an entire arch of missing teeth and are designed to be removable for cleaning and convenience. They can restore your ability to chew, speak, and smile with confidence.

General Dental Treatments
Dental Fillings

A dental filling repairs a dental cavity. We will remove decayed and infected portions of your tooth and fill in the hole with dental putty. This restores the strength and integrity of your tooth and reduces the risk of further tooth decay and damage.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Full mouth rehabilitation is a comprehensive approach to restoring the function, health, and appearance of your smile when multiple teeth are missing, damaged, or decayed. This personalized treatment plan combines restorative and cosmetic dentistry techniques to replace missing teeth, repair damage, and address underlying issues with your bite or jaw. Without intervention, missing or damaged teeth can lead to jawbone loss and difficulties with eating, speaking, and overall oral health. At Aaron A Santos DDS, our skilled team specializes in crafting tailored solutions to rebuild your smile.

Who Should Consider Restorative Dentistry?

You may need a restorative dentistry procedure if you have missing teeth or need a tooth extraction due to damage, decay, or infection. We may recommend restorative dentistry if you have:

  • Severe or large dental cavities
  • Significant tooth decay
  • Injured, cracked, broken, or damaged teeth
  • One or more missing teeth
  • A congenital issue that affected the development of your teeth

Exploring the Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry procedures can improve your oral health and reduce your risk of complications associated with missing teeth. When you don’t replace missing teeth, your remaining teeth may begin to shift in your jaw to fill in the empty spaces. This increases your risk of jawbone loss, facial deformity, misalignment or malocclusion, discomfort, and trouble eating and speaking. The benefits of undergoing a restorative dentistry procedure are:

  • Reduced risk of complications associated with damaged, infected, or missing teeth
  • Improved smile and self-confidence
  • Improved oral and overall health
  • Semi-permanent or permanent solutions for missing teeth
  • Natural-looking replacement teeth

Rejuvenate Your Smile with Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry

Aesthetic restorative dentistry focuses on functional and cosmetic improvements that can restore your smile. We may recommend combining restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve chewing, eating, and speaking functions and also improve the appearance of your smile.

Why Choose Aaron A Santos DDS

Aaron A Santos DDS provides comfortable, state-of-the-art dental care for patients aged two and older. We use advanced technology and techniques to improve oral health, restore smiles, and enhance confidence. We specialize in general and family dentistry, emergency dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry. Our staff is committed to providing highly personalized patient care and easing dental fear and anxiety so that you can get the care you need to improve your oral and overall health. Our goal is to make sure you feel comfortable and confident in your treatment plan.

Schedule a Consultation for Restorative Dentistry

Call us now or contact us online to schedule a consultation for restorative dentistry in Los Gatos, CA. Our team of dental professionals and specialists will work closely with you to evaluate your oral health and condition, find effective solutions, and improve your smile and confidence.

Get in Touch With Aaron Santos Cosmetic & Family Dentistry!

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